Bring on the Sci-Fi! How Science Fiction in 2017 Can Either Rock or Stink

ScarJo looking at what lies ahead in Ghost in the Shell

As a lifelong sci-fi nerd I am STOKED at what’s in store for theaters for 2017!   We have prequels, sequels, re-imaginings, books to film and even new stuff.  When I sat down to write this post, I was floored by all the movies that are coming out this year.  I’m going to have to drastically cut down on my Bojangles chicken filet biscuit obsession so I can get to the theaters more often.

While my overall excitement for 2017 is high, those expectations can be dashed if a film is not done well.  Right now, a movie may look and sound incredible, but it can be something completely different once it’s in the theaters.  Just ask the critics who saw Suicide Squad.  For this post, I am examining select science fiction films that I am most excited about which will be released in 2017; and providing reasons as to why each film could rock, and why each film could suck.  I then give each film a rating of 1-10 on expectation/excitement level.  1 means I am anticipating a steaming turd at the theater, and 10 being I’m about to piss myself with excitement.  I have purposely left out the Marvel films, mostly because I see them as a different kind of genre than pure science fiction.  Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is more science fiction, but for the purposes of this post, I will not include any of the Marvel films, including that one.  Films are listed in order of their release date.


Why it could rock:  Ghost in the Shell is one of the definitive anime movies, right along with Akira.  When it was originally released in 1995, it changed the way in which manga was done forever.  A live action version always seemed like it would be impossible, but the trailers and early images suggest that the filmmakers are taking this seriously.  It gives off the ominous tones the original did, and it looks just as dark.   I know a lot of people panned the casting of Scarlett Johansson, but I have a feeling she’s going to kick some ass.

How it could suck:  The filmmakers could decide that they want this film to be more like Lucy than Ghost in the Shell.  Let’s have a lot of cool effects, and a lot of action, but let’s not worry about that whole plot thing.  It could also try too hard and end up leaving viewers confused and wondering what the meaning of it all was, sort of like Neo’s visit with the Architect in Matrix: Reloaded.  The casting of ScarJo proves to be costly as she just can’t capture the essence of The Major.

Excitement/Expectation Level: 8


How it could rock: Ridley Scott learns his lesson from Prometheus.  Sometimes you don’t make a movie just to make a movie.  While ambiguity is good, you need to have some sense of flow.   Scott realizes that fans of the first two films are still waiting for something they can say “hell yeah! Now THAT’S the Alien I remember!  That’s scary as hell!”  Take a look at that poster; I think he might have figured these things out.

How it could suck: Scott doesn’t learn his lesson from Prometheus and disappoints once again with his random scenes, disjointed plot and focus more on effects than storytelling.  Alternatively, Scott may decide he does want to be a storyteller, and bores his audience to sleep with too much human drama, unable to find a middle ground.

Excitement/Expectation Level: 6


How it could rock: I am probably most excited for this film, which means the bar is set high.  The first two films did not disappoint.  We not only got to see how Caesar came to be, but how apes began to inherit the Earth.  This film continues in that tradition and leaves audiences stunned at humanity’s final days as the dominant species.  Serkis is once again masterful as Caesar and you will find yourself pulling for the apes.  Matt Reeves suddenly becomes the next “it” director between this and his recent body of work.  In the end you will be asking yourself if this is the final film in the series or will they remake Planet of the Apes to wrap it all up…and hoping it’s the latter so it doesn’t have to end right away.

How it could suck:  The bar was raised pretty high with the first two films.  The second film wasn’t as good as the first one, but it was still incredible.  The filmmakers fell in love too much with the action in the second one and decide to focus on that more than the story they had been telling.  Ape protecting child leads to another ape vs. ape moment that has already been played out before in the first two films and leaves the viewer trying to figure out the difference between this film and the last one.

Excitement/Expectation Level: 10


How it could rock: It’s Blade Runner!  It’s a sequel fans have been craving for years!  Harrison Ford is back with a whole new cast that includes Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas and the always talented and underrated Mackenzie Davis.  Also, have you seen Dennis Villenueve’s other directing credits?  He’s also directed Sicario and Arrival, two incredible films that garnered a lot of Oscar buzz (Sicario is definitely in my top 20 films of all time).  Great cast, great director, and great writers who wrote the original Blade Runner means this film can’t miss.

How it could suck: The Director and writers decide to take too much artistic talent and turn it into a 2 hour long snoozefest.  Despite the talent, redoing a sequel to a cult classic from almost 40 years ago is hard to do.  Plot holes will not be filled, characters will do things out of character, and we might see the death of another beloved Harrison Ford character.

Excitement/Expectation Level: 7


How it could rock: The darker of the movies in the Star Wars film franchise typically are the better films.  The Last Jedi has already been talked about as a much darker film than Force Awakens.  We learn who Snope is, we learn who Rey’s parents are, we finally see Luke Skywalker coming back to save the day, and the Millenium Falcon’s hyperdrive engines are functioning again.

How it could suck: Although Force Awakens was a great film, the plot was a little too similar to A New Hope.  J.J. Abrams even admitted that he wanted to connect today’s younger audiences with the style and feel of A New Hope.  But does that mean he had to basically follow the exact same story arc? People are already comparing The Last Jedi to The Empire Strikes Back.  So instead of getting a whole new story and film, we see parallels that are way too similar.  Luke ends up being a shell of his former self, more angry hobo with a lightsaber rather than Jedi Knight, and we still learn nothing more of Rey and Snope.  In the end, people will be wishing that they had saved their money and stayed home to watch Empire instead.

Excitement/Expectation Level: 9

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